Cautivadora, elegante, con algo diferente pero a la vez familiar, así podría definirse perfectamente la nueva colección de novias de la firma sevillana Colour Nude. Un homenaje a su tierra en forma de vestidos de tendencia pero con acento andaluz.
Todo el que la pisa termina por utilizar un estribillo de culto “Sevilla tiene un color especial…”. El dúo musical Los del río supo condensar en apenas cinco palabras una definición perfecta de esta ciudad que cautiva a todo el que la visita. Y a los que viven en ella.
La nueva colección de novias de la firma Colour Nude es un homenaje a la capital andaluza. Lo minimalista y lo romántico unidos en armonía en una propuesta en la que se aprecian las últimas tendencias de moda nupcial con un atisbo de folclore pero manteniendo la esencia de la marca. Siluetas, detalles y acabados que convierten cada vestido en una pieza única e irrepetible.
Heliopolis, la nueva colección de novias Colour Nude
La gran cantidad de civilizaciones que poblaron durante siglos lo que hoy conocemos, se debe, en gran parte, por el clima y por la presencia del río Guadalquivir. Esta nueva colección de novia Colour Nude refleja el concepto de la ciudad del sol, Heliopolis, que actualmente es un barrio de la ciudad.
Lo que la convierten en uno de los mejores destinos turísticos, es precisamente, esa riqueza cultural e histórica que “se siente” en cada uno de los rincones, edificios, plazas, jardines, monumentos… Sevilla es una fusión de estilos y Carmen Osuna, directoria creativa de la firma, ha querido trasladar esa idiosincrasia al diseño de cada uno de los vestidos de novia que completan Heliopolis.
from LuciaSeCasa https://ift.tt/2C3r4e7
Fuente LuciaSeCasa https://ift.tt/2C3r4e7
ResponderEliminar•★INTEGRATED HACKS★•
Are You Seeking For A LEGIT PROFESSIONAL HACKER Who Will Get Your Job Done Efficiently With Swift Response?? CONGRATULATIONS, Your Search Ends Right Here.
• We are a Team Of Professional HACKERS , a product of the coming together of renowned Hackers from the Dark-Web (pentaguard, CyberBerkut, Grey Hat and Black Hat,)that have seen how data and information is been stolen and spoofed and are willing to help the helpless. We have been existing for over 8 years, our system is a very strong and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas and directives.
Whenever We Are being hired, We typically only take jobs that We find somewhat original, challenging, or especially helpful to the community. We’ve never wanted to sit around defending some video game company’s source code from network intruders – We prefer to help nonprofits, private investigators, Private Individuals, government contractors, and other traditionally underserved populations.
And We’d rather match skills against the best in the field of state-sponsored hackers engaged in economic espionage than put some kid in prison for pranking the phone company. When a company tries to hire Us, the first question we ask is: “Who is this going to help?”
We know INTEGRATED HACKS is Well known for LEGIT HACKING SERVICES, but we always try to make people know that INTEGRATED HACKS isn't just open to big firms, any individual desiring cyber services can contact us via: "integratedhacks@protonmail.com" You Can Reach Out To Us for Your Desired HACKING Services Ranging from:
* Penetration Testing
* Jail Breaking
* PHONE HACKING (Which gives you Unnoticeable Access to Everything that is Happening on the phone such as call logs, messages, chats and all social media Apps .
* Retrieval Of Lost Files
* Location Tracking.
* Clearing Of Criminal Records.
* Hacking Of Server, Database And Social Media accounts e.g Facebook, twitter, Instagram Snapchat etc
* Bank Accounts Loading ( Only USA Banks)
* Credit Cards Loading (Only USA CC’s)’
★Our Team houses a separate group of specialists who are productively focused and established authorities in different platforms. They hail from a proven track record Called “HackerOne” and have cracked even the toughest of barriers to intrude and capture or recapture all relevant data needed by our Clients. Some Of These Specialist Includes Yassine Aboukir, Oemer Han, Imran parray, Anees Khan, Jobert Abma and many others.
★INTEGRATED HACKS is available to our clients 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We understand that your request might be urgent, so we have a separate team of allocated hackers who interact with our Clients round the clock. You are with the right people so just get started.
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